An ambitious monument of hope at the heart of the UK.
Nine years in the making, Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is going to be a 51m high monument - an infinitely looping structure made up of over a million bricks. Each brick in the sculpture will represent a real story of an answered prayer, submitted from across the UK and beyond.
Visible from nearly six miles away and seen by over 500,000 people a week, Eternal Wall will be the largest symbol of hope in the world.

We’ve been on this journey from day one.
We’ve been an ear for founder, Richard, to bounce ideas around with. We’ve supported the technological ambitions to make each brick in the wall scannable, allowing each story of answered prayer to be read via visitors’ mobile phones. We’ve built the answered prayer database, and we’ve designed each iteration of the brand — evolving it along with Eternal Wall at each key milestone.
The first Eternal Wall logo was designed by Max back in 2015! When Richard started out looking for support and investment to realise his dream, we concepted a clean and minimalist logo that gave him credibility while not limiting him to a particular look or feel. This gave the architects complete freedom to design the perfect monument for the site.
Once plans for the wall structure were finalised, we incorporated this into the brand. The main logo is based on a visitor’s first glimpse of the wall on arrival. This has become such a strong symbol that we haven’t changed it since!

Our most recent brand work evolved Eternal Wall’s look and feel. In a reflection of their tag line, ‘Make hope visible’, we sought to bring hope and joy to Eternal Wall’s visual identity.
This shift came with the strategic change in focus to collecting stories of hope and answered prayers from people across the UK and beyond.
We moved from a palette of calm, professional blues designed to bring credibility and trustworthiness, building on this foundation to create a vibrant, joyful and inviting brand identity.
Working closely with Eternal Wall’s marketing team, we heard their desire to attend more big events where the team can both promote their monument plans, and hear stories from people face-to-face who have had their prayers answered.
There was a particular need for the new brand to stand out among a festival field of gazebos, so we designed a bright and eye-catching brand pattern that is perfect for large scale banners.
Ultra-versatile in a grid formation, the pattern can be used in its wild full colour glory, or as single blocks for calmer, reflective messaging. We pair it with grounding navy blue, or clean white space.

With festival season rapidly approaching at the start of this project, the creative team went hard on concepting and collaborating to deliver the refreshed brand in four weeks. From there on, Hayley, Polly, Tash and Max were all roped in to get designing multiple large scale banners, merchandise T-shirts, and various branded activities for Sue and Eternal Wall to showcase at Big Church Festival 2023.

“Not only is their design and creativity top-notch, but I found the direct way they prioritise their passion for the clients’ brand refreshing in their industry. They have transitioned us from a dream into a global reality.”Richard Gamble, Founder of Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer

By building on what we already had, we were able to design a brand identity for Eternal Wall that feels as if it has always belonged. Creating the pattern in the same visual language as the logo, and incorporating the main blue colour into a wide-ranging complementary palette, have made this project a true brand evolution.
We have grown the brand, reaching new audiences and equipped their team with the right tools to take on the challenges of a long term, faith filled project. The personality and core messages of Eternal Wall have solidified through the process, and we love shouting about their cause.
The Eternal Wall team no longer shy away from events, they even put on a few themselves at the site of the monument towards the end of 2024. The more versatile brand elements have allowed them to expand their offering and feel confident standing out in a crowd.